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Checking off the Bucket List

Laura Carney was shocked when she found her late father’s bucket list written down on a piece of paper, 13 years after he had passed away in a car accident. For the last six years, Carney has dedicated herself to completing the list, which consisted of 60 tasks, five of which were already checked off by her father. The tasks included small things, like “grow a watermelon”, and big things, like “talk with the President”. She accomplished the latter by flying to Georgia to attend a Sunday school service hosted by Jimmy Carter, who was president at the time the list was written. Other goals included visiting Europe, going to the Superbowl, driving a Corvette, and swimming the width of a river. Carney completed the entire list on her father’s behalf, which helped her feel connected to him and move through her grief.

Image via Laura Carney

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