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Adopting Senior Dogs

When Steve Greig’s beloved dog Wolfgang died in 2012, he was bereft for months. In an effort to bring some joy into his life, Greig went to his local shelter in Denver and adopted the oldest dog there—a chihuahua named Eeyore. A few months later, Greig returned to the shelter to adopt another senior dog. He then took in another, and another, and another. The 59-year-old currently has 11 senior dogs living with him ranging from 8 to 19 years old, and he’s taken in dozens more over the years. Senior dogs are often overlooked in shelters or are the first to be euthanized, and Greig has made it his personal mission to ensure his senior dogs have the best end of life experience possible. Although his heart breaks every time he has to say goodbye to one of his precious pups, Greig knows that he is making the most out of the limited time he has with them. They sleep in bed with him, play in the backyard, and have access to whatever medical care they need. Greig’s current canine crew consists of Onion, Maytag, Mr. Magoo, Fernando, Willamena, Cat, Juanita, Chalmer, Raylene, Festus, and Loretta, as well as a rescued pig named Bikini, four chickens, two rabbits, one duck, and one turkey. 

Image via The Washington Post

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